Sunday 5 May 2024


I was amazed that my A0 desk sold very quickly. 

Even better, the buyer wanted to pick it up the next day!

This meant getting it dismantled and getting it out.   In turn, this meant that I had to move all the stuff I had piled onto the landing.  Most of it got pushed into our bedroom, some got slung into the spare bedroom. 

We eventually had it dismantled, and started taking it downstairs.  We were knackered.

The next morning, I remembered that I had a large, glass clear, cutting mat undert the bed in the spare bedroom. It seemed sensible to give that away with the desk. 


Except I'd now piled everything into the bedroom and on the bed.

Deep breath. Start sorting. One item at a time. Place it tidily, out of the way.  Clearfloor space.  Attempt to slide out Kallax unit so I can get to the area behind and pull out thecutting mat. Rmemeber that the Kallax unit fits under the bed, but the bed had to be lifted up to put it in place (because it has a lip round the frame).

Attempt to lift bed. Fail. 

Try again at the corner. Fail. 

Clear bed one item at a time.  Try to put stuff out of the way

Lift corner of the bed. Slide out part of Kallax unit.

Lift corner of the bed, slide it out a bit more. A bit more. 

Move so I can lift the bed with one hand (ha ha ha) and push the Kallax with my leg,

Bed gives birth to Kallax

 Ooh, Kallax unit.  That might be useful in the room I've just taken the desk from. 

Kneel on floor,  attempt to pull out the cutting mat.


Deep breath.  Move the stuff that is on top of the mat.  Pull.   Pull. Pu-u-u-ull.

Mat, with everything on it, slides towards me.

Push everything off the mat, away from me.

Retrieve mat.

Amazed I managed to do it all without getting cross with myself.

DH was out today.   The buyer came on time, and we managed to get it all into their car. 

Quick break, some cordial, and I'vegot to take some of my Mum's bone china over to Maidenhead to be collected from my brother's house.  Except he isn't in, so I'll have to wait there in the car until the buyer turns up.

Every little helps!



