Sunday 12 May 2024

Man in a Suitcase

Back at my parents' home this weekend, more clearing.  

The first tip run was stuff we'd stacked up in the hall from our last visit.    This time, we're focussing on a couple of the upstairs rooms.

We've removed 6? 7? sets of luggage so far.  Each large suitcase has at least one, usually two, smaller suitcases nestled inside.   The suitcases are worn, or damaged, or nibbled, so can't be passed on.#

There are are additional holdalls, most of which are mouldy, or nibbled.   They're stacked ready for the tip.  And Many, many, many more Readers Digest editions of famous literary works.  I wish we'd counted how many of them we've disposed of already.  DB has 80 in the car for the tip already, and I've got another 80 packed ready to go.  These are just the editions that were stacked up going mouldy;  we haven't taken them out of the bookcases yet.

 DB managed to bring at least one ancient TV downstairs, so that's in the queue to go. 

We've found a lot of stuff which has made us chuckle, I'll write more about that later
