Thursday 19 October 2023

Kevina the Teenager

Miss Teen is increasingly like Kevin the Teenager.  I gently tease her about it sometimes, to try and get her to realise just how horrible she is being, but she has a teenagers thick skin when it comes to self awareness.

She has been struggling with some of her subjects.  Her school is running mock-mocks this week and the week after next, and she has been studying hard, trying to catch up.   The feral time during COvid has really taken its toll,  and so many of the children don't know how to study, how to learn, how to revise.

One of the things she is struggling with is English Literature, and Macbeth.

As soon as we knew the Shakespeare option would be Macbeth, I got her the study aids to help her understand the play. .  I also bought a copy of the Judy Dench version on DVD, so she could watch it.  I remembered from my own school days, that school murders Shakespeare,;  I found watching the proper play really helpful, and I thought she might too.

She's not been interested in watching it at all.  No surprise, I guess.

She's started to panic a bit about her exam, so earlier in the week I had a look to see whether Macbeth was on stage anywhere.  I found it, and  nearly bought tickets, but I knew she'd just think of it as a punishment.

This morning, on the way to school, she was talking about exams, and how difficult EngLit is going to be.  I said watching the DVD might be a good idea, and she agreed (some of her friends had also said seeing the play might help).

So, on the strength of that, I booked tickets for her and I to go and see Macbeth next week, at the Globe.  The tickets cost quite a lot of money, even without train fare and lunch.

I told her about it after school today. 

She was completely underwhelmed, and thinks it's a punishment.

I'm so disappointed.  Of course I had suspected this would be her reaction,  but I guess part of me thought she'd be excited at the thought of seeing it for real, and for seeing it at the Globe. 

I was wrong.

I completely regretted the outlay. I could have had 4 sessions with my Chiro. What a waste of money!

I messaged my step daughter, (DSD) to see what play my granddaughter (DGD) is doing for her  GCSE.  I was thinking I could pass the tickets on to them.  I wouldn't get any money, but at least the tickets would get used (although I suspect my DGD might be equally as interested as Miss Teen). 

While i was waiting for  DSD to get back to me,  I told Miss Teenshe didn't need to go if she didn't want to, I could easily sell the tickets.    (I was thinking,  I could probably sell the tickets and get some of my money back - it's Half term next week, and there must be a lot of parents who would like to help their kids like this).

She said no, she would go.

But, honestly,  it makes me feel like she's doing me a favour. 

I know Teens behave like Teens, but it's still really annoying.

I know some of  my irritation  is because her attitude picks at the fragile scab over that incident with the chickens (it still bothers me!), so I'm typing here so I don't do or say something I'll regret.

I expect I'll get over it, lol. 

I feel better having written it down.  It's not her fault really, it's not like she asked me to get her tickets.  The fact that she's not really interested (and doesnt seem appreciative of the effort)  is my problem  really (my expectations) not hers.

