Wednesday 18 October 2023

Another week

Another week - woosh!  And suddenly, it feels like post Autumn!

A phone call brought good news today.  

My NHS Physio appointment -  in which they will give me exercise instructions which, hopefully, will completely resolve  my two-and-a -quarter year backache -  was scheduled for some time in November.  I was in the depths of a bad episode when they called the other week, and I asked if I could go to a different area to get seen sooner.  There were no earlier appointments,  but the lady who phoned put me on the waiting list for a short notice cancellation.

Today, they rang to offer me an earlier appointment: tomorrow!

I am so very pleased, as today I couldn't do part of my Pilates class because my back has seized up so badly.  

In other news:
-  the 3rd of my 3 cat jigsaws arrived, was made, and has been framed. 
- I spotted a "Tank" 1000 piece  jigsaw for sale, and bought it for DH.  To my surprise, he's started doing it almost immediately
- Miss Teen is staying with us while her parents are away,  and she has her mock mocks this week. The exam week was unexpectedly changed, they wouldn't have deliberately arranged to be away at this time.  We're up to our ears in revision, past papers, flash cards, and tests. 

Two of the Girls have decided it's now time to start moulting. The cold weather is just starting, so they didn't time it well.   They've formed a reasonably happy flock, with 1 of the 3 Newbies (Olly, who was the one I managed to slightly hand tame) being well integrated now.  The other 2 Newbies are a little on the outside,  but they have company in their Cube at night. I'e noticed they are being chased off a little less at treat time, and it seems little worse than the day to day henpecking that goes on anyway.
