Thursday 12 October 2023


I sat down a few hours ago to wrote a blog post about how I'm frittering away time.   I realised how daft that was, so I made myself get up and do somethign necessary, like Domestics.    

I'm back now.

The meringues were amazing. I've never been a fan, always found the things chalky and sweet.  These ones, following Delia's recipe, were sweet, but were a little chewy and very addictive.    They apple curd worked superbly, to tone down the sweetness.

I'm having such a lot of trouble with my back.  I had a double "Chiro" appointment on Tuesday, and Tania did a whole load of things to try and help alleviate my symptoms.  . I felt better about an hour after my appointment, and I still feel better now than I did.  It's still really uncomfortable though.   My NHS physio consultation is at the beginning of November. I hope that helps resolve things properly (although I don't really believe it's the cause of my issues). 

Anyway, no point dwelling on the aches and pains here,  no one likes a Moaning Minnie.

so, in an attempt to ignore the discomfort,  I've done some more preparation for doing some Christmas Card embroidery.   I suspect I'm going to run out of time, I really need to get on and do some more.  I wish I could have the machine downstairs,  but it's not practical.  The cats would have a field day, and it's far too dusty down here.  

It is tempting though.

I've also got stuff out to defrost so I can bulk cook some chilli con carne, and some bolognese,  tomorrow.  It's so lovely having a selection of ready meals in the freezer. 


