Sunday 31 July 2022

More (less) clutter

I'm a little embarrassed to say that I've been really getting in to my "cupboard a day" thing. 

I've had a couple of days when I haven't had the inclination (or energy) to tackle something,  but i've had lots of days where I have done multile cupboards.      Some of those days have been non-kitchen, and have usually been inspired by me needing to find something,  or wanting to sort something. 

Ebay sent me a reduced fees offer for this weekend, so I've upped my game and am tackling cupboards which have saleable stuff in.

I've done several cupboards (or a number of drawers with the equivalence of a cupboard).  I've got a fair bit to take to a charity shop, I've found new homes for some things,  and I've got a few things to sell.  I've been ruthless. I'm even selling some of my chicken things. 

Up to now I've mostly been doing cupboards/drawers which are fairly self contained, so doing one (or not) doesn't really afect any of the others.     Today I decided to tackle the occasional-use-utensil drawer.  This required me to also tackle the cutlery drawer and the 'in limbo' shelf.    

The cutlery drawer gradually acquires utensils, either because we "go through a phase" of using something,  or it gets used and put back in the wrong place.     The "limbo shelf" is at the bottom of a cupboard,  and where I put those kitchen things that I  think I  no longer need or want, but I'm not sure enough to actually get rid.   They go there to live and, if I don't think of them again,  they go next time I declutter.   Like now.

The kitchen table,  which is also my cutting table,  has been piled up with stuff, including boxes and packaging which might be needed if some of the items sell.     Today it reached peak fullness,  and I had to clear it all.    My car boot is now full of stuff to go to the charity shop.  The hall has large boxes packed with stuff that I am offering for sale,  and piles of donations for different people.   

The final bit of clearing was to remove the jigroll and two jigsaws, which are sitting wating to be done. 

At least the table is clear, and I might be able to do some cutting out during the week.
