Tuesday 19 July 2022


Today was even hotter than yesterday. 40.2 degrees at Heathrow,   pipped by Coningsby at 40.3.

The Girls were struggling today.    Phyllis , who is 3rd oldest at about 8, was really finding it tough.

I brought her into the kitchen,  tried to give her some electrolytes,  but she wasn't having it.  I have her some Nutridrops and thought I'd let her stay inside.  She had other ideas,  quite strongly so, so I pit her back outside.

Lots of water for them today. More cucumbers from FHs plants,  the rest if yesterday's watermelon,  some lettuce., peas in water...  

We had two fans out.  Some of the girls weren't interested,  but some Girls sat themselves directly in the path of the fan.  Both fans had Hens.
Shelby spent most of the day in the summerhouse.  Dh and I spent some time there too.  Lewis hid under the log store.

Much later there was a short shower, with thunder.

I stayed in the garden, collapsing the umbrellaa so the garden could get water,  and picking up debris.    

I also spent a lot of time watching the Girl, who weren't at all impressed.or relieved by the rain.

Its stopped now, and I'm back inside having a bowl of cereals for dinner.
