Tuesday 19 July 2022


My sister in law highly recommended a neck fan, so I got one ready for yesterday.  It works quite well.

We've been trying to help the Girls.  They had frozen peas in water twice today, plus half a  water melon,  plus cucumbers,  plus several lettuces.   Just trying to help them take in water.

We also put a BIG fan outside for them,  I've 
been gradually moving it as the sun traverses.

One girl has been by it most of the day
  The others have been coming and going.  The wet towel helps cool the Or that blows on them.
  I put big waterers in the shade so they don't have ro go back to the run for water.  I also put  a couple of small dishes out near the older girls.

It was 35 here.  We put the Aircon on in the summerhouse, which the cats appreciated.   They are long haired and aren't enjoying the heat.

It's going to be hotter tomorrow,  so we are going ro have to let the Girls in to the newly grassed bit right at the back of the garden.

They will wreck the grass (again)  but the  exceptional weather circumstances mean its the right thing to do. 

I might have to repair to the summerhouse myself tomorrow. 
