Thursday 9 May 2024


We decided a couple of months ago that we needed to replace the fence.  One of the panels was broken, and some were worse for wear,

We agreed that we would get completely different panels this time.  It should be a relatively easy job, as we had slotted concrete posts and gravel boards put in when we had it done. In theory, we should be able to just slide the old panel out and then slide the new one in. 

It turned out that the fence panels weren't 6 foot high.  We had asked for a 6 foot fence, and the installer had taken that to be 6 foot finished height, the fence panels were 5 foot 6.   This limited our choice of suppliers.

The cost per panel was much more than I anticipated, probably akmost double what I expected.   We decided to replace the first 6 panels, which took it down to our summerhouse and, more importantly, up to where next door's side was covered by shrubs.

We were surprised that, upon, ordering, we were given a likely delivery date of 25th May.   It was a longer lead time than we expected, but it meant we would still get it done before we have this thing in the garden in early June.

This morning I woke up early.  I decioded to get up at 7am, and I checked my Mail before I had my shower.  There was an email from the supplier, from 5.08am, saying the fence panels woud be delivered today between 7am and 9am.

DH had to get up in a hurry, I got in the shower, and the fence panels arrived.

My lovely brother came to help DH remove the old panels and fit the new ones.   All went well,  until I accidentally let one of the cats escape.  Lewis refused to be caught or cajoled, so we had to leave him to it.  As soon as we stopped trying to get him, he came in of his own accord.

Removing the old panels continued, and then installing the new ones started.  Some were a piece of cake, others were a little bit more tricky here access was severely limited.   And then we found that one of the gaps wasn't a full width panel!

Luckily, DH is very handy, and he trimmed the framed panel and sorted out the frame so it's not possible to tell (unless you go out there with a tape measure).

It was all done fairly quickly, and it looks LOVELY!  I wish we'd bought all the panels now.  

We will do the rest of the fence after the party in June.
