Saturday, 17 August 2019

Olfactory sensitivity

My brother's granddaughter, Miss A,  has very heightened senses.  We know that she is very sensitive to noise, and light, and smell,  and sometimes her processing system gets a bit overloaded and she has to do the human equivalent of going offline and rebooting herself.

My brither and I were taking her to London recently, to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat.  It was actually a birthday pressie for two of my grandchildren,  and we were meeting them in London.

When my brother and Miss A arrived at mu house,  I asked if they wanted some breakfast.  Dinner, before the show, wasn't until 5.15    Miss A declined,  so I offered my brother some waffles.   I have a waffle maker, which I rarely use,  and I'd recently bought some ready-made waffle mix.  I was keen to try it before risking offering it to the grandchildren the following day. I guessed that Miss A might change her mind, once she saw the waffles.

My brother realised what I was doing, and saud he'd love some.  I got the two of them to make up the battr, while I sorted out the waffle maker.    When it was ready, I put some batter in - not too much, I've had major leakage before.

We waited and waited and wondered howto tell when the waffles were cooked.  We agreed I should open the maker and look.   I did.  They weren't done.  It was a mess, as i'd opened the maker right up instead of just opening it slightly.

We laughed,  I put more on,  and my brother and I ate some of the partially cooked rejected waffle. It wasn't bad,  Miss A nibbled on a bit.

We speculated again about how long to leave the second attempt.   Siuddenly, Miss A said "It smells different now".  We looked at her.  I sniffed the machine, and she was right.  There was a slight sweeter smell.  I opened it up,  and we had two perfectly cooked waffles.

MIss A decided she would like some waffles please.  She tried some maple syrup on her finger, and then decided to have that, and ice cream, as well.

The next lot went in,  and my brother and I smelt around the machine.  It smelled like....someone ironing clothes, actually.  I kept having a sniff,  and then suddently, the smell changed.  Just as I smelt it, Miss A announced from the other side of the room that the smell had changed so they were probably done.    We were right. They were.

That was all the waffle mix used up.

The next morning when my grandchildren got up, I offered them waffles.  I told them abouf Miss A's olfactory sensitivity, and the fact that you could smell when the waffles were cooked.

And do you know what?    

For the first set, I couldn't smell a change so I opened up the wadffle aker, just a teeny bit.  T=I hadn't smelt annythng, because they weren't done!.   A minute later, I could smell the difference.

It worked for all the waffles !
