After a year of pretty much going nowhere, at all, we've been to the theatre in London 4 times in the last couple of months.

We'd been talking about going for years, but it was expensive, involved 2 trips into town, and we jist couldn't get round to it. This year, one of my brothers/his wife, and my husband/ I decided we wouldn't swap birthday pressies, and we'd put the money towards tickets. We be celebrating all 4 birthdays in two days, with two meals out, so it wouldn't seem quite so extravagant.
It was AMAZING. If you like Harry Potter, if you've seen the films, then go and see the stage show. The story is good, the acting superb (especially young Scorpius, son of Draco Malfoy), and the effects were excellent. I'm so glad we went, it was so worth the money!

Following on from that, the four of us had a chance to go to the Only Fools Dining experience. DH and I had been to a Fawlty Towers one previously (thanks to his daughter and her husband) and thouroughly enjoyed it. We weren't sure how they'd weave the meal into Only Fools, but they did it really well. The actors did a great job, and seemed to be having as good a time as the audience.
Next week I'm taking two of DSD's children to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat. I haven't seen that for... longer than I care to remember. My niece's little girl is coming as well. I hope they all like it!