We had to get her to school by 04.15 (yes, 04.15, a.m.) and had to provide a packed breakfast and a packed lunch for consumption on the ferry. Discussions with Miss Tween started some weeks ago about what she would like in her breakfast pack (I had already decided on her lunch), and so I was well prepared.
I was going to buy her two pretty lunch bags, one for each meal. I'd seen some when I'd walked though TK Maxx the other week. But then I realised I should just make a bag.
I worked out what to do to make a lined bag, and I decided to box the bottom so that the takeaway containers (which I was reusing so they wouldn't be single use plastic) would fit it neatly. I didn't want the lining to have seams.
It went well. Until I decided to overlock around the whole thing, which of course created the most ugly seam you can imagine. It also ended up much smaller, due to me neatening the edges before sewing, trimming, and vrious other things.

Miss Tween was very kind. She loved the fabrics, and she really liked that I had made it for her. It was just a bit...big. She decided to use it anyway, even though it took up all the space in her compulsory rucksack. I showed her that it would roll up small (ish) when she was on her way home.
I'm really pleased with the meals, and she was very happy too. We talked through whether the bagels should be toasted (yes) and why we had to let them go cold before wrapping them up. She suggested tht she took the Philadelphia in a separate tub, rather than pre spread, which was great as that was what I had planned. She had a tub of salad and tomatoes, some finger sized cucumbers, a pot with some salami and sliced würst in, an apple, and a Gu pudding. I put in some Nutella b-ready sticks as well.
Breakfast was a simpler affair. Untoasted scotch pancakes, a shop bought waffle, some chocolate spread in a tub, and a banana. I gave her one of those fab little squeezy things of Robinsons squash to take.
The cutlery was wrapped in hen-related napkins, and I popped in one of those origami things we ised to make as kids. The things where you put it on your hands, pick a number and open it that many times, then pick ooe of the flaps, and then read a message written underneath. I'm not sure she's ever seen one before so she probably won't know what to do with it. Even if she does, I'd written everything in French (I picked simple phrases for her). What are those things called?
The pupils haven't been allowed to take their phones so we've no idea how she's getting on. They were allowed to take disposable cameras, but of course she has no understanding of what a film camera is or how it works. I suspect the pics will not turn out well.