It wasn't too bad on the outside, but the inside sheep just didn't look right. DH said it didn't matter, and it didn't really. But it bugged me.
So I made a second one.

I took care centreing up the front fabric. The inside piece, with the name on, looked lovely. All was going well, until I made the mistake of leaving the machine unattended while it sewed the back pocket on.
Somehow the back pocket went squiffy, meaning not only did it go up at ana angle, but the bottom wasn't sewn on correctly.
So, I cut out the pieces for a 3rd one. Once again, I pressed and starched. I embroidered the name on. This time I did not leave the machine. Sadly I'd run out of shocking pink zips, so we had to go for a boring pink instead.
The sheep on the inside were the correct way up
And I'd even managed to find a sheep charm for the zip.
Hope she likes it.