The LIttlees are out
Yesterday was a pleasant enough afternoon, so we fenced off the front of the Eglu run and let the Littlees out. They were tearing around, jumping up and down. Within seconds, one of them was on top of the run.
Washburn, our ginger cat, couldn't contain his excitement. He sat on the Eglu run quivering, while I stood by with the hose discreetly aimed and ready to fire. We didn't leave him alone with the Littlees, that would have been asking for trouble.
In the meantime, the cheeky Littlee was back on the run again, so DH made a kind of heffalump trap over the top of the fencing, using other bits of fencing and fence posts.
They were out all afternoon. If the weather warms up a bit, we might try leaving them in the Eglu overnight. Norman is a bit young, but he's well looked after by his older siblings, so he should be OK. We'll see what the overnight forecase is for the next few days.