Monday 24 June 2024

There's a hole in my bucket

DH decided that he would like to incorporate the now-freed-up Kallax unit into his study.   This wasn't as straightforward as one might expect.

In order to do this, he had to rearrange and re-orientate his existing Kallax units.

In order to do that, he had to empty them.

In order to do that, he had to clear the floorspace leading up to them.

In order to do that, he had to find somewhere to put stuff "temporarily" while he reorganised.

In order to do that, I had to move some of my (well, our) stuff from the small box room into the guest bedroom.

DH then started, and did a eally good job of emptying.

We got the Kallax in place, and DH started to put stuff back in.

It's a work in progress,  and it's progressing.   It's now Monday, and we're still not back in place.

That's not a surprise to me,  I'm a veteran of this type of thing and I know how long it takes.

Meanwhile, I'm still limping along trying to put stuff away in the living room.   I've done well, but I've got a large pile of books that I'm not sure how to handle.   Almost everytghing else is back in place.

And I've sorted out the china that's being donated to two places.


Except I've bought another set of china.  I'm thinking about giving away some of the stuff that's currently in my party box and putting the tea services from what I've bought into the party box. To do that, I need to remove some of the stuff I've kept.  I just need to do it before I donate the remainder.

I'll wait until I have the new china safely in my hands and then I'll decide.

On the plus side, I've emptied another crate of my Mums stuff, and I only have a little bit  of it left, sitting on the table waiting for me to do something.

It's A1 plans, and I need to get my large format scanner out.

And I can't do that just now, because it's in the guest bedroom.  It's boxed in.  Literally.  by the boxes and stuiff I moved out of the box room so DH had some temporary space.

There's a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza........
