Monday 17 June 2024

Back again

I'm still fighting my back issues.   One of the reasons I did the chaotic rearranging was to try and distract myself.    

The last two days have mainly been spent sorting, grouping, photographing, and listing various pieces of china.  I had an Ebay fees reduction offer, so I wanted to get as much posted as possible.  I know a lot more about the china now than I did when I started selling stuff for my Mum, so I've ended up being very particular about trying to group items with the same (age of) backstamp together.

It was interesting and tedious in equal measure.

Last night I managed to get all the lots separately bagged and then put into crates, and the crates neatly stacked. I cleared up all the detritus, like bits of kitchen towel, bubble wrap, cardboard, boxes, blah blah blah.

This morning, I started listing some non china items.  I also cleared the two remaining trays of chaotica from Thursday.  Seven eighths  of it was put away or listed for sale or binned; the other eighth was put on a single tray, and is waiting to be dealt with.

I also had to do some batch cooking today. I'd got various packs of meat out of the freezer, and I'd arranged a grocery delivery with the additional ingredients I needed.      I managed to do:  4 x 2 huge portions (should have been 6x2 normal portions)  of shepherds pie with the last of the mutton mince;   much chilli made with thinly sliced beef steak;  and a vat of bolognese sauce.   The shepherds pie is potted up and cooling, waiting to be frozen.   The chilli is just finishing, and we are having some of it for dinner tonight.   The bolognese has a couple more hours to go.

I had planned to do a load of Indian dishes as well, using the amazing Mrs Balbir Singh spices.   My back said no, so I've put that back to tomorrow.  I'll have to do something, as I've got a load of defrosted meat waiting to be used.     

I managed to drop a brand new bottle of Biona Lime Juice, which smashed spectacularly.  And a bloody nuisance to clear up.

On the plus side,  I'd used the lime juice before I dropped it.  And it had to used in 14 days anyway.  And the floor needed washing.
