Saturday 22 June 2024


DH and DB collected the new sideboard.   I stayed at home and emptied the Kallax unit. It was a bit like Mary Poppins' bag!

I had piles of stuff everywhere.   Some of smaller, loose, bits (eg various USB items like a camera, a scope, a DVD recorder) I put in a crate for safety.

The sideboard arrived.  It looks reasonable, it's not overpowering, it goes reasonably well with the table.  It's much deeper than the Kallax, but it is shorter.

I can't get everything to fit.  I mean in both terms of dimensions and in terms of volume. 

I had forgotten that one of the advantages of the Kallax is that it is open on both sides, so things can stick out a bit without looking odd.    They really are amazing pieces of furniture, with TARDIS qualities.

I've got a lot of the stuff on and in the new sideboard, and I've got about half a sideboard's worth of stuff that isn't in there.  I'm taking some time to consider what to do about it.

I was going to move the Kallax into the summerhouse while I decide what to do with it.  DH mentioned that he's thinking of putting it in his hobby room, in place of a bookshelf there.  I think it will work well for him,   it will mean quite a bit of rearranging and DH needs to see if he's up to it.

In the meantime, the Kallax is now in front of the sideboard, blocking access to it.   I don't mind, it means I'm not entirely to blame for the mess in the room.

Meanwhile, the auctions on one particular pattern of china have now all finished.  I packed the sold items last night, and put the unsold items into a crate to donate to a venture one of my DB's acquaintances is starting (afternoon teas for older folks).

My Zebra printer played up. It was only printing one half of the address labels.   There were numerous posts about various Zebra printers doing this, with a myriad of "solutions". Most of those failed at the first hurdle for my little printer, because some of the options just don't exist.

Of course I tried rebooting things.  In the end I deleted the printer and attempted to set it up again.  That was a nightmare, it's a cloud only service so it isn't like a normal printer.  It has to be done through an app.  I couldn't get that to work so I deleted the app and resintalled it.  And the app just hung there.

I imagine Zebra were having issues with their cloud service, but I couldn't find any information about this on social media.    Every attempted fix resulted in at least one (sometimes more if it involved turning the pinter off, as it ejects a blank label on restart) label.    I've wasted about 20 of the roll of 190.  Eventually, at about 1am,  I managed to get it reinstalled and later managed to print my shipping labels.    I'd already bought the postage and needed the barcode labels ready for when the postman comes.

It was all done in the end, but it meant I had a relatively short night.

Lots of strange dreams, including dreaming about a someone from a workplace I left 18 years ago!

I'm tired today, and I am in auto pilot.  Domestics happened.  I had to clear the pile of stuff that needed ironing (well, pressing),  and emptied the airer.   I changed the bed, and then put everything frm the floor onto the bed so Raymondo could vacuum.    I've been upstairs to empty him.  I put a load of washing on.

I'm on autopilot.

