Thursday 27 June 2024

Lovely people

I've met/"met" some lovely people recently.

The first was a lady on Ebay, who was selling some modern china.  I was interested in some pasta bowls she was selling,  and I also decided to buy a couple of other items as well.    I was very careful in my purchase,  I only bought what I planned to use. (And I'm selling a set of pasta bowls to make room for the new ones)

She did  a special listing for me with the bits I wanted, and I explained that I was trying to only buy items I'd actually use.  We ended up chatting about having to dispose of parents belongings,  books and china in particular, and she had had a similar experience to me.  

In some cases, my experience was "worse" (the volume of stuff) and in others, hers was much worse (the distance involved).

I bought her china even though I realised that the manufacturer was having a sale, and I could have it (and a bit more) for the same price. 

It arrived today, and it's lovely.  The pasta bowls are perfect.     The other pieces I bought are pretty... but they've possibly been superseded by a subsequent purchase.  


The second person was also through me buying china.  I was actually searching for a different pattern by the same company.

A couple of weeks ago, I'd arranged to buy a tea set of china I thought I might like.  I wanted to make a cake stand, and have a few cups and saucers, and the rest was going to go into my party box.   The seller was some distance away, and she agreed to keep the items until I next went to see my Mum.  She isn't on the way at all,  but we can go via her and only add an hour to our journey in one direction,   whereas a specific round trip would take 5 hours.

While waiting, I kept searching for pieces in this pattern. I was particularly looking for salad plates,  soo I could make a cake stand.   I found my salad plates, they arrived, they were  quite lovely.

Anyway.  I continued looking for bits for this new set.   I was wondering if I could find dinnerware pieces, so I was searching Ebay, Facebook, Gumtree, Vinted.   There weren't many bits of interest about, at least not at a price I wanted to pay.   I realided that not all sellers list things accurately, so as well as looking for the pattern, I was also looking for the manufacturer.

While going through numerous irrelevant listings, I saw an ad for a dinner service in a different pattern.  I'd seen a lot of patterns by this manufacturer, but none (apart from the one I've yet to collect) had tempted me.  But this pattern made me look carefully.  I'd seen a couple of pieces in passing, but I'd not looked at it. It was a lot of useful pieces, and it wasn't particularly expensive.  The seller was also willing to post.

I put it on my watch list, and thought about it for a while.

I kept looking, and I found myself actively searching for that pattern.  It really seemed lovely.  Sometimes though, they aren't as lovely in the flesh. Or a pattern that seems pleasant on a sandwich plate becomes overpwoering on a whole dinner service.

This set though.... I didn't think it would be.

In the end, I decided to buy it.  If it turned out to be overpowering, I'd just sell it on in smaller lots.

It turned out that the seller was new to Ebay, and Ebay isn't very helpful when you're starting out.  The seller hadn't realised that Ebay had put a shipping option on, and that the shipping option was a fraction of what it should have been.  I had realised that the shipping was incorrect, and I was ready to offer the right amount.

I was a little worried about all that china being posted,  so I suggested that I collect and that  we met half way.  The seller said they couldn't drive that far.   They were very polite and offered to cancel the sale.     I thought about it, and decided that I'd just travel the whole way and collect it.

And I'm so glad I did.

The seller was a lovely lady called Iris.   The china was her wedding present in 1966.   She initially thought I was a dealer (I'm not surprised, with the amount of china related listings I have had!) and asked if I was going to sell it on.   I explained that I bought it to use, and I had never expected to choose a floral set.  She asked why,  and I explained about my parents' 5 humungous sets of Colclough.   She empathised, as her in-laws had been china collectors (having worked at the potteries in Stoke) so she had had to deal with many sets herself some years ago.

She showed me the china, and it was....stunning!  So much better in real life than in the pictures.

We chatted for ages, and I'm so glad I went to see her.  I have a lovely set of china,  and she knows her china has gone to someone who will love it.

I'm still going to collect the other set.   I really like it (I dont think I'll love it like I love Iris' china)  and I think the two will complement each other. 

Buying it has made me re-think my sandwich plate collection, and the contents of my party box.  I'm selling all my sandwich plates.   I've given my brother one of my Colclough Wayside cake stands;   I'm selling another (proceeds to my Mum), and I'm keeping just one in my party box.   I'm keeping just 8 Wayside trios, and they are all in the party box, not on my tea set shelf.    I'm keeping one Avon cake stand, and I'm selling the other (proceeds to my Mum).  I'm probably not keeping any other Avon  pieces. 

I'm selling the spares for my current dinner set (I have a load in the loft which will be going). I absolutely love my current china,  I've had it for more than 30 years and I keep coming back to it. I've no doubt I'll be coming back to it again when the novelty of the new set has worn off,  However,  I'll be keeping just a (relatively) small number of pieces, maybe 8 each of plates and bowls, in the loft.  Everything else, including all the the ancillary pieces (like the serving platter, gravy boat, serving bowls), can go.   

I just need to gird myself for the selling effort.





Monday 24 June 2024

There's a hole in my bucket

DH decided that he would like to incorporate the now-freed-up Kallax unit into his study.   This wasn't as straightforward as one might expect.

In order to do this, he had to rearrange and re-orientate his existing Kallax units.

In order to do that, he had to empty them.

In order to do that, he had to clear the floorspace leading up to them.

In order to do that, he had to find somewhere to put stuff "temporarily" while he reorganised.

In order to do that, I had to move some of my (well, our) stuff from the small box room into the guest bedroom.

DH then started, and did a eally good job of emptying.

We got the Kallax in place, and DH started to put stuff back in.

It's a work in progress,  and it's progressing.   It's now Monday, and we're still not back in place.

That's not a surprise to me,  I'm a veteran of this type of thing and I know how long it takes.

Meanwhile, I'm still limping along trying to put stuff away in the living room.   I've done well, but I've got a large pile of books that I'm not sure how to handle.   Almost everytghing else is back in place.

And I've sorted out the china that's being donated to two places.


Except I've bought another set of china.  I'm thinking about giving away some of the stuff that's currently in my party box and putting the tea services from what I've bought into the party box. To do that, I need to remove some of the stuff I've kept.  I just need to do it before I donate the remainder.

I'll wait until I have the new china safely in my hands and then I'll decide.

On the plus side, I've emptied another crate of my Mums stuff, and I only have a little bit  of it left, sitting on the table waiting for me to do something.

It's A1 plans, and I need to get my large format scanner out.

And I can't do that just now, because it's in the guest bedroom.  It's boxed in.  Literally.  by the boxes and stuiff I moved out of the box room so DH had some temporary space.

There's a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza........

Saturday 22 June 2024


DH and DB collected the new sideboard.   I stayed at home and emptied the Kallax unit. It was a bit like Mary Poppins' bag!

I had piles of stuff everywhere.   Some of smaller, loose, bits (eg various USB items like a camera, a scope, a DVD recorder) I put in a crate for safety.

The sideboard arrived.  It looks reasonable, it's not overpowering, it goes reasonably well with the table.  It's much deeper than the Kallax, but it is shorter.

I can't get everything to fit.  I mean in both terms of dimensions and in terms of volume. 

I had forgotten that one of the advantages of the Kallax is that it is open on both sides, so things can stick out a bit without looking odd.    They really are amazing pieces of furniture, with TARDIS qualities.

I've got a lot of the stuff on and in the new sideboard, and I've got about half a sideboard's worth of stuff that isn't in there.  I'm taking some time to consider what to do about it.

I was going to move the Kallax into the summerhouse while I decide what to do with it.  DH mentioned that he's thinking of putting it in his hobby room, in place of a bookshelf there.  I think it will work well for him,   it will mean quite a bit of rearranging and DH needs to see if he's up to it.

In the meantime, the Kallax is now in front of the sideboard, blocking access to it.   I don't mind, it means I'm not entirely to blame for the mess in the room.

Meanwhile, the auctions on one particular pattern of china have now all finished.  I packed the sold items last night, and put the unsold items into a crate to donate to a venture one of my DB's acquaintances is starting (afternoon teas for older folks).

My Zebra printer played up. It was only printing one half of the address labels.   There were numerous posts about various Zebra printers doing this, with a myriad of "solutions". Most of those failed at the first hurdle for my little printer, because some of the options just don't exist.

Of course I tried rebooting things.  In the end I deleted the printer and attempted to set it up again.  That was a nightmare, it's a cloud only service so it isn't like a normal printer.  It has to be done through an app.  I couldn't get that to work so I deleted the app and resintalled it.  And the app just hung there.

I imagine Zebra were having issues with their cloud service, but I couldn't find any information about this on social media.    Every attempted fix resulted in at least one (sometimes more if it involved turning the pinter off, as it ejects a blank label on restart) label.    I've wasted about 20 of the roll of 190.  Eventually, at about 1am,  I managed to get it reinstalled and later managed to print my shipping labels.    I'd already bought the postage and needed the barcode labels ready for when the postman comes.

It was all done in the end, but it meant I had a relatively short night.

Lots of strange dreams, including dreaming about a someone from a workplace I left 18 years ago!

I'm tired today, and I am in auto pilot.  Domestics happened.  I had to clear the pile of stuff that needed ironing (well, pressing),  and emptied the airer.   I changed the bed, and then put everything frm the floor onto the bed so Raymondo could vacuum.    I've been upstairs to empty him.  I put a load of washing on.

I'm on autopilot.


Friday 21 June 2024

Service resumed

I'm back now. Not quite firing on all cyclinders, but I'm in a better place than I was.

I've managed to do some Domestics, and about thee quarters of the kitchen looks more than presentable.    All the carp is piled on the huge table I use for my sewing and stuff, and I've been trying to go through it. "Even one thing makes a difference" has been my mantra.

I also managed to tackle some of the remaining scanning for my Mum.    It took me a couple of attempts to be able to start it;   it was scanning documents from a particularly difficult time in their lives.      In the end, I scanned and sorted the bits I could, and just put the rest in a pile.  Then I tackled the pile again in the same way. And again.  Until I had a very small pile left, which has gone back in the crate until I have headspace.

The hallway table has disappeared, with crates in front of it and stuff to be collected piled up on top of it.  I'll be glad when the items have been collected, as it isn't helping.

I'm waiting for my Ebay auctions to finish (between now and Sunday) so I can get things packed and sent and then take stock.   Some of the items are mine, some are myMum's.  I've got open crates all over the place, with lots neatly packed in bags, hoping for new homes.   

I'm also awaiting the next Ebay fees offer, which I'm anticipating will be at the end of next week,  as I've got a few other bits to sell.  I might try and sell them elsewhere in the meantime.  Maybe.  I've got more china arriving, and I'm trying to do a "one in, one out" rule.

I've also got to empty out and move the Kallax unit that sits in the dining room, as we're collecting a new-to-us sideboard tomorrow.   My motivation is fragile, so I'm not forcing things.    I imagine I'll do it in a rush tomorrow, and i'll be wishing I'd got my finger out today.

I had a really good session with the Physio this morning, it really helped.



Tuesday 18 June 2024

Out of nowhere

I was fine until I wasn't.

I'll return when i've got myself back under control.

Monday 17 June 2024


It's funny how continued exposure to something affects one's view of it.

My parents had a bit of an obsession with certain patterns of china.   My Dad loved Colclough Wayside, and bought smome, piece by piece, from our local department store.    Many years later, when bone china was out of fashion and was being used in plate smashing at fairs,  he bought up sets of it at boot fairs and charity shops.

Then he started adding other Colclough sets to his collecting habit.  He eventually ended up with 5 different sets of Colclough - huge sets - plus a few odd pieces from other patterns.

My parents also collected Royal Albert Old Country Roses, which is a set I loathe.   They picked out a few pieces to use as their "everyday" china, and I'm glad they did.   My brother and I use those pieces when we stay at the house to do the decluttering,. We drink wine from the tea cups.

When I started to sell the china,  I thought that four of the five Colclough sets were "all right". One I didn't like at all, although I'm not sure why.     I didn't like any of the sets enough to want to own any,  although I did feel an emotional attachment to Wayside.

Once I started selling I found my Facebook feed was full of foul, flowery china.   Not just Colclough. Not even the hated Country Roses.  I had hundreds of sets pushed in my face, all the time

I sold 2 complete sets immediately, thanks to the intervention of two friends.  I also sold part of a third set, and a large amount of Wayside.  Vast amounts of Wayside went to people I know, and I was happy that it was going to homes who would love it as much as my Dad had done.

I had crates of the stuff, plus crates of packing,  stacked in my living room.  I listed the remaining china in various combinations, on a plethora of platforms.   i arranged, I photographed, I listed.  I learned a lot about Colclough china doing this.   Even DH found he quite liked one of the sets.

My brother and I decided we'd use whatever china we had left when we held Dad's wake, so I paused selling.

My feed continued to be choked up with china.  I found myself no longer being repulsed by the floral designs.    I didn't want any of them in my home,  but I learned to appreciate them for what they were. 

As we prepared for the wake, I appreciated the beauty of the shape of the sandwich platters.  On impulse one day, I bought  one (despite having loads) in a Colclough pattern my parents didn't have. .   DH was horrified.  I told him at least I'd only bought one platter, I could have bought the whole set.

And then I bought two more platters.  One wasn't even Colclough, but it was from a related company.  DH looked nervous. 

The Wake arrived.  It was lovely to see so much china being used,  and the cake stands my DH had made out of  some of the pieces looked great.   I quite fancied keeping a cake stand.  And then I decided that I'd keep some of the china - not all of it, just some of it -  for future garden parties.    DH agreed it was a reasonable idea.  I selected some pieces from the 3 sets I was selling,  including some more to be made into cake stands,  and packed it away in a crate.  Everything was packed into home made drawstring bags,  with the ribbon colour indicating what pattern was in the bag.

I then decided to move my cake stands (there were now two of them being promoted to being kept in the kitchen) plus a selection of sandwich platters into a cupboard.  And I might as well keep some cups and saucers in one of the designs (Wayside of course). And a couple of cups and saucers in the design that DH liked.  And I might as well keep the teapot in the design that DH likes (we used it to deliver brandy at the Wake).

By this time,  I found myself actively looking at china.  

I'd looked at dozens of Colclough patterns, and there were a couple I quite liked.  Not enough to want to buy a set, but enough to want a sandwich platter.  Or a cake stand. Or a sandwich platter and a salad plate so I could make my own cake stand. 

I found lots of them. I resisted buying. I wanted to see if the feeling subsided.

And then I saw a set which I really really  liked. 

I was astounded, as it was definitely floral.

I told myself I'd buy a sandwich platter. Nothing else.

I couldn't find one.

I did see a set of salad plates.  I resisted.

And then I saw a tea set.

And then I asked if she would hold it for me until I could find a way to get to her. She's sort of on the way to my parents house.

Well, not exactly on the way.  It's an hour detour.  But that's better than a five hour round trip.

I haven't told DH.

It'll be a nice surprise.

Back again

I'm still fighting my back issues.   One of the reasons I did the chaotic rearranging was to try and distract myself.    

The last two days have mainly been spent sorting, grouping, photographing, and listing various pieces of china.  I had an Ebay fees reduction offer, so I wanted to get as much posted as possible.  I know a lot more about the china now than I did when I started selling stuff for my Mum, so I've ended up being very particular about trying to group items with the same (age of) backstamp together.

It was interesting and tedious in equal measure.

Last night I managed to get all the lots separately bagged and then put into crates, and the crates neatly stacked. I cleared up all the detritus, like bits of kitchen towel, bubble wrap, cardboard, boxes, blah blah blah.

This morning, I started listing some non china items.  I also cleared the two remaining trays of chaotica from Thursday.  Seven eighths  of it was put away or listed for sale or binned; the other eighth was put on a single tray, and is waiting to be dealt with.

I also had to do some batch cooking today. I'd got various packs of meat out of the freezer, and I'd arranged a grocery delivery with the additional ingredients I needed.      I managed to do:  4 x 2 huge portions (should have been 6x2 normal portions)  of shepherds pie with the last of the mutton mince;   much chilli made with thinly sliced beef steak;  and a vat of bolognese sauce.   The shepherds pie is potted up and cooling, waiting to be frozen.   The chilli is just finishing, and we are having some of it for dinner tonight.   The bolognese has a couple more hours to go.

I had planned to do a load of Indian dishes as well, using the amazing Mrs Balbir Singh spices.   My back said no, so I've put that back to tomorrow.  I'll have to do something, as I've got a load of defrosted meat waiting to be used.     

I managed to drop a brand new bottle of Biona Lime Juice, which smashed spectacularly.  And a bloody nuisance to clear up.

On the plus side,  I'd used the lime juice before I dropped it.  And it had to used in 14 days anyway.  And the floor needed washing.

Friday 14 June 2024

Accidental chaos

The contents of many kitchen cupboards are strewn around my kitchen.

It started with me having the bright idea of using the corner wall cupboard to store my small collection of sandwich plates,  and possibly all the tea party china (instead of putting it in the loft).  It's spilled over into the reorganising of many cupboards.

So. The corner wall cupboard is horrible.  It's very deep, it's impossible to see what's in there, much less reach anything. It's like the cupboard of death. More stuff gets shoved in the front and everything gets pushed backwards to die of disuse. 

I thought I could easily stash the china on the middle shelf.  Or the bottom shelf. I'd need to empty a shelf in a different cupboard to take the contents, but it seemed doable.  

That was 8 hours ago.

Admittedly, I took my time.  I emptied out the two lower shelves , and played around..   One shelf contained, mainly, spare glassware; the other contained bottles of alcohol (mostly expensive sherries and ports and other old lady exotica) plus my cocktail making stuff,  some flasks, and various other bits.

I looked at the best way to get the china to fit. I thought about whether it was a good use of space. It seemed like a good idea, cramming the china into the recesses of an inaccessible space.    I realised I had the potential to have an erected two tier cake stand in  but that would mean the china wou;dn't fit unless I used both shelves, and that seemed a a lot of space for not a lot of benefit.

I made a decision about the china, and that is now sorted. Well, the bits I'm using are sorted.  I've got two cake stands erected, with 4 cups/saucers to match one, and 2 cups & saucers to match the other.  I've got the matching sugar and milk jugs.   I've also used a rack thing to stand my sandwich platters on their sides,  and I've allowed for two sandwich platters that I'm still trying to source.

The remaining cake stands now need drawstring bags so I can store them in the crate with the rest of the tea party china, and then that can go in the loft. I should be doing that instead of writing this blog but I don't have any room to cut fabric.   I suppose I should be finishing clearing space so I could do that.

I'd sorted out the spare glasses, moved those that I'm keeping m into another cupboard (which I'd emptied in readiness), and those that need rehoming.    I had a little sidestep into a minor reorg of the glasses cupboard. I took out a few that we rarely use and put them in the spares cupboard, and then rearranged the shelves to make some of the balloon glasses easier to access.    Everything in there needs a wash,  so I'll take a photo of it and put them all in the dishwasher when the dishwasher is next empty.

Having got this far, I didn't really want to just stuff everything else back on the bottom shelf.  I looked at Options.  Options were rather limited, so I decided on a heavy duty "lazy Susan" for the alcohol.  It's 12 inches across, so it'll fit to one side of the cupboard rather than being in the middle and making the rest of the shelf unusable. 

At some stage,  I opened the next cupboard along the line, which is a 300mm wide very tall cupboard. It contained many years of homemade fruit liqueurs, plus various bottles of interesting spirits that had obviously popped up on my Facebook feed (or some other form of advertising)  at some time or other.    I transferred as many of the Interesting Spirits into the official Drinks Cupboard, but there wasn't a lot of space and I've got a lot left.   I have just thought of a possible solution, but I don't have the inclination to empty and sort that cupboard too.  Not today, anyway.

Anyway.  I stared at the inside of the cupboard for some time,  considering my options.  I wondered about using it for my cocktail stuff - the equipment I mean, not the syrups and stuff. (although that would have been a good idea too. Too late now).   I looked at the years (and years) of fruit liqueurs, and decided to pour down the sink any that were open.  The rest were crammed on to one shelf at the top. They'll be able to embalm me in it when I die!

Eventually, after a bit of trial and error, I decided to put the vacuum sealer bags in there.  The chamber sealer is directly under that cupboard (well, it does at the moment), and the narrowness is useful in supporting tall flimsy things.   I had to get DH to move a shelf, which was more work than it should have been (and would have required me to unscrew the cupboard door). 

I thought about what I would do with the drawer where the bags currently lived.   It's a rubbish drawer, so it needs to be something that isn't accessed very often and isn't too heavy.  That excluded everything I currently had spread over on my kitchen worktop and floor.

I mentally went through the contents of the other cupboards, evaluating each set and quickly discarding it. I reached the base corner cupboard, and thought about the two small crates of bakeware that had resided in there, unused, since I went through and had a major bakeware declutter some years ago.   I briefly wondered about getting rid of it all, but it is all quite expensive stuff and I don't know anyone who would make good use of it.  I'm hoping my granddaughter-on-law will turn out to be a baker, and I can offer it to her.  In the meantime,  it's staying.    I was sure I'd be able to get them into that drawer. So I did. 

As a result, I had a gap where the bakeware had been.  It isn't a good cupboard for access, so there wasn't any point putting the bottles there.      I ended up taking most of the contents out and resorting them, so that I could more easily access some of the bits that I did use. This left me with a better cupbord and a bit of space, ehich I promptly filled with some bread shaping baskets that have been homeless on the worktop for some time now.

The diversion into sorting out the 300mm cupboard and the other cupboards has  resulted in a slightly better organised couple of areas, but I'm no further forward with getting all this stuff back in a cupboard.

And I've got an itch to move some other stuff around.  That's why I'm writing this.  It's my equivalent of lying down until the feeling passes. 


I've attempted to put my cocktail equipment in the cupboard, and I'm seeing how it looks in a moment.   I'm going to evacuate the cocktail syrups from the Official Drinks Cupboard, and use the space for the stuff that I've now got lying around.  I haven' decided where the syrups are going to live, and I haven't ruled out pouring (some of) them away.


 OK, the cocktail stuff is now in the huge red flour bin.  The semolina flour was several years out of date (we've been using shop bought pasta instead of making it, I didn't realise how long that had been going on) so I threw it away.  

The reorganisation continued through to bed time, by which time I'd re-reorganised the bakeware and the other drawer in that cupboard,   re-reorgansed the corner base cupboard,  and reorganised two other drswers in two other cupboards. 

The cupboards look great. I've got a pile of stiff to donate.  And a large tray of stuff that I still have to rehome.

It's now the following day.  The tray remains unsorted.    I have, however, made one pouch for one of the cake stands.  And I've done a load of unrelated stuff (like bought some new bird feeders, bought a secondhand sideboard, plus done various domestics)

I will finish all today.

I will.

I will try.




Tuesday 11 June 2024


Mum was well enough to travel, so we decided we'd go ahead and hold the Wake for my Dad.

We had organised a family garden party, in my garden, to coincide with (what would have been) my parents' 65th wedding anniversary.

The run up was so busy.  DB and I spent a night at my parents house, doing yet more clearing, then we collected Mum and brought her to my house.   Things were derailed slightly, as she had very high blood pressure and we had to take her over to her GP surgery and wait for them to see her.    her medications were amended and she was cleared to travel, and we got back home about 7 hours later than we planned.

The next three days were a whirl of preparations. We emptied the summerhouse, cleaned it, washed it, washed the floors.  We got rid of severely out of date soft drinks. I cleaned the fridge.    We started running the machine to make ice cubes, and I started manually making HUGE ice cuves.

  DH made cake stands using some of the china and the stand bits I'd bought from the lovely Theresa at Through the Cake Hole.  We washed and stacked the china and sorted out the cutlery.  The gazebo was put up, we shorted out the seating. DH got the party stuff out of th loft and it was washed and assembled.

My DB had found some video of my Dad which he had digitised. I edited it so we had just some short clips to show.  We wrote and practised and revised  our joint eulogy.  

We went shopping the day before to get all the bits that could be bought in advance. We worked out the layout of all the stuff, with me writing on bits of paper so that we would know what to put where the following morning.

On the day, DB collected the pre-ordered sandwich and dessert platters from Costco, while I sorted out the rest of the food.  Everything was ready in time.

We used the china.  It looked magnificent.  Stacks of tiny side plates, a sea of cups and saucers,  and a trio of teapots (one of which didn't contain tea at all, just more tea Vicar) .   The cake stands and sandwich platters looked stunning.  

It went really, really well.

I thought I'd feel better afterwards, but it was then a few days of trying to take everything down and putting everything away.  Mum stayed for three more days, then we took her back to her Home, and we went on to the house and spent two nights and three days trying to get everything to a point where the photographer could come.

And then we went home,  and I've been knackered ever since.

I decided I was going to keep some of the china for another tea party.   I sewed drawstring bags to hold the stuff to prevent it getting damaged in the crate.    I used two different fabrics: one for cups and saucers,  and another for plates and ancillary stuff.    Each bag has a ribbon drawstring,  and the drawstrings are colour coded, reflecting the main colour of the china pattern: yellow for  Stardust,  brown for Avon, and pink for Wayside.

I've still got to make bags for the cake stands, but I need a bit of a break from it.

I need to sort out what I've got left and have another push at selling it. 

I'm off to see Mum tomorrow, so it'll have to wait until later in the week,
