Thursday 7 September 2023


Well it's been an unpleasant week, healthwise.

I had some issues last Thursday morning(arrhythmia).  It's all receded a little bit, but my back problems have come back with a vengeance, it's (almost) as bad as it was 2 years ago.  Even my stomach is joining in.

My new embroidery machine was due to be delivered on Tuesday.  I was tempted to postpone it, as I didn't feel well at all,  but it was a 2 man delivery job, so I thought it best to get on with it.  Unfortunately (did I really use the U word?),  I wasn't well enough to use the machine yesterday, and I've been struggling today.

I would love to go to bed and just be ill - but lying down exacerbates the problem.   I'm trying P&D at the moment. (Paracetamol and Distraction),

The abnormally hot weather doesn't help.

Hopefully normality will be resumed soon.
