The combination of stuff I have been trying has definitely been working. I was rather surprised, but it really has made a difference to my symptoms. It hasn't, however, solved the underlying cause(s), whatever it(they) may be.
I know that because my back pain returned unexpectedly a few days ago.
The feeling of having someone's knee in a particular place on my upper back, is, well, back. In the shower this morning, I felt around the area and realised it is in exactly the same place as it has always been, 4 years and 7 months now.
It's not as horrendous as it has been, but it is very.....wearing. It's sapping my interest, motivation and ability to do anything.
I'm also finding that I am breathing with my mouth open, despite not really feeling bunged up. This has had some consequences at night, cpap issues; I suspect the issues at night (the lack of oxygen) are causing the back pain issues.
I'm continuing with the Everything and the Kitchen Sink regime. I need to look at getting B vitamins and iron tested, and I think I'll do that when I get the vitamin D etc re-tested in a few weeks.
Spring is in the air, and hopefully that will result in a spring in my step.
We'll see.