Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Duvet Days

I've almost finished the stupid project.

When I've done the last few, I will have washed, dried and pressed 28 duvet covers,  41 sheets (21 frilly and 20 flat) and 102 pillowcases.  I also accidentally washed half a dozen large curtains, which had looked like frilly duverys).     It's taken me 46 (I think)  washloads to complete.

I pressed them only because they needed squashing down a bit.

I've moved the enormous stack of frilly sheets into a large box.  I put the flat sheets on top.    The box was unwieldy when it was empty, and there is no way we can move it now. I think it will have to serve as a table or something.  

The pillowcases are folded and stacked in a large open box, which can sit on top of the boxtable.

The Duvet covers are currently piled precariously on top of the air conditioning unit in my bedroom.  I need to locate another ridiculously sized box to move them in to, once the last two covers are dry and pressed. 

They will then have to stay somewhere until we can take them to Monkey World.    We will have to decant them into crates to take them,  as stacks of massive duvet covers are surprisingly heavy.

All have come from my Mum and Dad's house.      And what I've got here isn't all of it (although it IS all I am going to do this with). 

I threw away stacks of bedding  at my parents house.  A lot of it smelt musty, so couldn't be donated.  When we got to the dusty rather than musty cupboards,    I had the idea of donating to Monkey World.  We started to pack it in vacuum bags,  and the number and weight soon got out of control.   When we went to bring some of the bags home, they opened (as vacuum bags have a habit of doing), and I realised that everything was going to need washing before donating.

 I had also  used a lot of the  dusty-not-musty stuff  for wrapping china.   I'd disposed of loads  other bedding, like blankets and such.  It was not my favourite job.

I'd thrown some of the bedding  away when I unpacked them here, and some of them I threw away after washing.    

I had brought home a couple of vacuum bags of blankets and bedspreads, but I can't face dealing with them.  They will be too much work to wash and dry,  so I'm going to bin them all.  I'm not going to let myself feel guilty about it.

It's taken a ridiculously stupid amount of time and effort to deal with it all, and I probably should have just binnedeverything in the first place.

But it seemed like a worthwhile idea originally (before we realised just how much bedding my Mum had hoarded kept.)

Of course we won't be going to Money World for some time, but at least the bedding will be ready to go.


