Friday 23 August 2024


My brother and I have been dealing with clearing our parents property since March, and it's been very challenging.    My Dad was a hoarder, the property was built by them and is huge, and it has been relentless physical and mental graft.  

My whole life has been consumed by either travelling to the property, being there and clearing it, bringing stuff back, dealing with stuff, scanning stuff, sorting stuff, selling stuff, chucking stuff,   trying to sort out getting a borehole put in, dealing with my Mum's care, dealing with trying to sell the property, planning the next steps....

After many hours and days of clearing, we got it empty enough to advertise and someone wants to buy it.   We've continued the treadmill of clearing, and dealing with not having any water. 

We've just had our toughest long weekend of clearing yet, and that is saying something.  My lovely cousin came to help because this weekend involved the cellars and a lot of heavy stuff.  We wouldn't have been able to empty the cellars without him.  

There's still loads more to clear from there, but most of the heavy stuff is out.

My brother came away with a shoulder issue, and I've come away with a wrenched leg around my knee area.  It's incredibly painful, I'm having to sleep on my back (which I shouldn't be doing), and I'm feeling low.  It took me 3 days to get my stuff upstairs (DH is away) and going up and down stairs isn't straightforward.

Yesterday I got the bundle of very detaild forms from the solicitor.  It's a property with two large parcels of land, and it's not straightforward to answer the questions.   I've going through the documents I've scanned over the last few months to try and get some answers.  I've opened crates of papers to see if I've missed anything.

There is stuff everywhere and I'm sinking.

My grandson and his wife are arriving on Tuesday night, and the house is a tip.

I'm feeling low, and I'm suppressing the urge to burst into tears.  I feel childishly overwhelmed.

