Friday 21 October 2022


Flockdown is, we assume,  imminent.

We already have to keep the feed undercover,  make sure we have footbaths, and take other hygiene precaitions, it' can't be long before full lockdown is imposed.

We decided to start getting prepared a little while ago.    We ordered new netting (the previous lot had been wind ravaged and had extra holes in),  and DH sorted out poles etc. 

The poor shrubs which live happily right by the coops have had to have a drastic pruning - mainly slicing off the tops so that they don't interfere with the netting.  It was brutal. 

Hopefully they will recover, eventually. It may take some time, because the netting will restrict the sun which gets to them.

The holly will be further chopped down near Christmas.    We have several holly bushes/trees,  4 varieties and 5 plants I think.   The others are sensibly growing along the fenceline. YThis one is an interloper, and we probably should have pulled him out when he first tried to establish himself.

DH put the poles up over the last few days, and all we need to do now is to get the netting over them.

This year, we incorporated the door from the Catio into the arrangement, which will make access so very much easier.




