Big Bird died. She was 7 years old, and her death was not a surprise. It was a heart attack overnight.
When she was a couple of weeks old, she was enormous compared to the other chicks in the hatch. She was big, and the only yellow chick. We were sure she was goung to be a boy. She was a quiet bird, no trouble.
She's descended from the original birds that we hatched as table birds, but ended up keeping. She has the "brick shaped bum" that meant she had to have help, from time to time, keeping clean.
The flock is a literally a lot more dull without her lovely yellow plumage.
She was also the last visible link to some of the most wonderful hens we've ever owned, including our first kind roo, Roo.
I'm sad that she's gone, but not devastated. I did not know she was going to die, but it wasn't a surprise.
She was 7 years old, and she had a full, happy, free range life. She died without a long painful illness, and without us having to make a decision to cull her.