I've found it almost impossible to do anything creative during the lockdown period, which I know is silly. I keep telling myself I ought to be making good use of the time, but I just haven't felt the urge. I made myself clear the cutting table, as the clutter there is often a blockage to my creativity. It helped, but didn't give me the surge I had been expecting.

It's made from a heavy scuba with a flowery pattern, so I didn't really expect it to drape very well, nor to be particularly pretty.
I absolutely love it.
I decided to make another one, but I then wondered about trying to make a shirred top/dress. I ordered shirring elastic, my friend Judith pointed me at a video which seemed easy enough. Then I decided to makea tank top from a pattern I'd made previously. The fabric choice wasn't great (and I've put on a bit of weight), but it was useable. Until I wrecked it trying to do some unpicking. I binned it.
Then I thought I ought to make some masks, and then the weather changed before the elastic arrived, and I ended up not trying the shirring after all.
I also completely failed to make more lemon and lime ice cream, and I don't really understand why that was so difficult. I have lemons and limes, I bought cream, it's one of the easiest ever ice cream recipes (no custard involved). I just....couldn't...get....round...to...it.
I did make myself make some lemon curd, to use some of the eggs. I had planned to make lemon curd, lime curd and lemon and lime curd (I've got a lot of lemons and limes, and a lot of eggs). In some respects, it's better that I didn't - I won't be able to eat it all before it goes off,
I did make myself do something a bit more creative in the kitchen. I used the new chamber vacuum sealer to marinade some lamb steaks, and I made 2 kg (potato weight) of Aioli Mashed potato. Then yesterday I made some bolognese for today (I've been fancying lasagne for 2 weeks now), and I marinaded some pork in a Belazu Shawarma paste which I'd bought on impulse. I used Maria Feisty Tapas' pressure cooker method for Chicken Baharat, and the result was good. Good enough to be on our "make again" list.
I served it with some home made Rosti, made from the last 500g of potatoes plus a sweet potato. I pressure cooked the whole potatoes for 1 minute to soften them slightly, then grated them with a coarse grater. I added salt and pepper for each potato that I grated. I tried frying in one big thing, but the mid sized pan I used was rubbish and it caught. I decanted everything to the air fryer, using the recently purchased additional insert... and it worked really well. So well that I am going to use it as my preferred method from now on.
I've also been using the chamber vacuum to do some instant pickling. I love lightly pickled cucumber. I had a bottle of Sarson's 15 minute pickling vinegar, and OMG it's lovely! I'm struggling to find it in any of the supermarkets that deliver to me, and I don't fancy going to the large Tesco in the nearby Big Town.
In other news, I broke my fabric ban.
Apart from some antimicrobial fabric bought for face masks, I haven't bought fabric for 6 months. I've been tempted, many times, but I've always resisted. Until I didn't.
I bought a couple of pieces from Miss Cloe, and having broken the ban I gave in and bought a load of stuff from Textile 9, who have taken over Tilly Bee Fabrics. I was obviously in the mood for breaking my ban, as I had also been looking at Coalville Fabrics with serious intent.

The box from Textile 9 arrived today, and it's full of really lovely fabric, and it might be enough to encourage me to make something. I can definitely see fabric for some Heartlight maxi skirts, and some for tee shirt type tops. I might even try making some leggings again, as I need a new pair for PIlates.
The picture doesn't do it justice.
Of course now I've broken my ban, I'm struggling to get back under control. I might try the reward system. If I can make myself a shirred top (or dress) then I'll buy some more fabric.
Hm. We'll see.