I've just realised how long it's been since I posted, and I wanted to try and do a catch up post.
Allotment Girls
Camilla had a case of bumble foot, and I brought her home to treat it. She was desperate to be in with the other girls, but whenever she went near them, they attacked her. We put her in our small coop and run, and put that inside the Girls' run, so she could see and hear them, but they couldn't attack her.
I found a really helpful post about treating bumble foot, this one didn't invllve a scalpel. (link https://www.tillysnest.com/2015/12/non-surgical-bumblefoot-treatment-html ). I managed to get some of the gel she metioned from a local tack shop, and colloidal plasters from Boots. I followed the lady's instructions, and several hours later I'd got Cam's feet sorted and bandaged. She went back to the Allotment after a week, and she seems well - she's roosting at night now. The problem will return though, so I need to try and do her feet more routinely.
Garden Girls
All are looking well. I went to Rokers Feeds to get some Garvo, ready for the chicks. While I was there I saw something called Gourmet Grit which I bought for them to try. They can't seem to get enough of it, so I've now bought a large amount from the manfacturer.
We've decided to buy in fertilised eggs this year, and I've chosen Silver Laced Barnevelders and Leghorns as the two breeds I want to bring in. If we manage to hatch girls, and if they are pleasantly natured, I'm planning to keep one of each breed for my garden flock. I don't really want 7 chooks in the garden, but the other alternative is to keep any girls at the allotment until space appears here. I thought it might be better to just keep 2 girls.
This year it's likely that we'll keep all females (unless we have a 100% hatch rate and they are all female).
I've sourced breeders and reserved eggs, and pencilled in a collection date.
Let's hope they don't go broody just before I want the eggs.
I did a 4 day jacket retreat, which was much harder than I expected. I had no idea just how many pieces there are to a lined jacket with collar! It's not quite finished, and has been sitting on Nellie waiting for me to do the last few steps. It'll be waiting for a while longer.

She came to stay for a few days each week over half term, which was fab as always.