I still had the clamp frame attached to Bertha. I faffed about choosing colours, rethreading the machine, changing the colour selections, blah blah blah and cutting the upholstery fabric I was going to stitch on. I centred the design, did several tracings (getting the machine to pretend to stitch the design so I can check it isn't going to hit the frame), and then I decided to add a border. I faffed around doing that, and then I was ready.

New needle. Rethread. Recut fabric. Try again.
The fabric was fraying like mad, so I ended up using the sewing machine to stitch an additional hidden border. I just did a straigh stitch, which wasn't enough - that will only stop the fraying once the ffraying has reached the stitch. next time I'll probably do an overedge stitch.
I hope Mum likes it as much as I do.
I've also been making progress on my duvet cover. More about that another time. Maybe.
Oh, and I handmade enriched bread for hot dog rolls lasrt night. They were good, but no better than breadmaker made.