Tuesday 9 July 2024


My brother and I have been trying to clear the huge attic walkway which runs between the two halves of my parents smallholding house.

We've already spent many many days clearing the rubbish from the rest of the house,  this is the last area to have its initial decluttering.

It's been very hard work, with many irritations (more paperwork!!!) ,  many amusing moments (more jigsaws!  more books!!), and some pleasant urprises.  We found boxes of very very old photos.

I've been working my way through scanning and sorting them.   I'm binning nearly all the originals.   The ones where there are people in, I've been assigning to boxes lined up on my sewing table.     I've sent electronic copies to those inteested parties.

Thee are photos of my parents as small children.  There were all my Mum and Dad's wedding telegrams nd cards.    There was everything to do with the very early death of my Mum's dad, and all the condolence cards,  and the death of her Mum. 

There were photographs and newspaper clippings of some of the exotic cars they owned.

Their trip to Florida in 1980 to see the Daytona 500, and the tickets for that.

Letters to my Mum from her Mum after the birth of each of us.  A biurthday card for my Mum (as a little girl) from her Mum and her Dad.

There were photographs of their long dead friends.

I've managed to contact the daughter of Dad's best friend, and I sent her some pictures via Messenger.   I've also sent her a packet of pictures, which include some I didn't send electtronically, and a her (long since divorced) parents wedding invitation.   I sent her step mum pics of Dad's best friend.

I'm trying to contact the offspring of some of the other people of whom I have photos,  but it's not that easy.

I've also been able to share photos of my Dad's siblings and his parents, including his parents wedding photos,  to arious members of the family.  Not all are online, so they are getting the originals, hared a=out between them.   

And some of the photos.... I just don't know what to do with.  

I wish we'd done this when my Dad was still here.  Mind you, he wouldn't have been able to see the photos, so a pointless bit of nostalgia.
