I can't believe I'm already starting week4 (Tue 4th Feb)
This is a look back at week 3
Last week, I had to take a PPI on Tuesday. Now that I know they interfere with absorption, I really wanted to find an alternative. I read that slippery elm bark is good at actually repairing gut lining, so I ordered some of that which arrived on Friday.
I was away at my parents house for a couple of days. I'd taken some of my own Water Kefir, but I hadn't taken the cider vinegar (Mother Root), nor the Tibico Kefir, nor any fermented veg. I was home on Friday, and I could feel stomach acid rising. I was disappointed because it was only a couple of days since I'd taken a PPI.
The slippery elm bark had arrived while I was away, so I decided to take one. I was surprised that it seemed to help with the acid, so I chugged some Mother Root and some Tibico Water Kefir as well, and decided to see if I could last another day before taking the PPI.
I was still aware of acid in my stomach the next day, so I took the slippery elm again, and the Mother Root, and it stayed manageable. It's now Tuesday, so it's been a week since my last PPI. My stomach acid isn't completely settled, but I'm still holding out on taking a PPI. If I have to take one, I'd prefer to take it in the middle of the day, or sometime during the night, so I can avoid it interfering with everything else.
As the week closed, I considered what to do about starting the completely separate Amino Acid supplements. Part of me wants to wait until I've been doing the Vitamin D protocol for longer. However, I'm going to need to get my annual thyroid blood tests done through my GP in a couple of months, so it would be great to have started on the amino acids to see if there is any thyroid improvement early on.
I also want to ask the GP to do a folate test, as it would be interesting to see if the Vitamin D protocol - or the amino acids - have had any effect on that before I make a decision on how to deal with that. ( I've already paid privately for tests my full thyroid, amino acids, and vitamins before I started the protocol, so trying to time the NHS one seems reasonable).
I decided, on balance, that I'd start the amino acid supplements at the beginning of Week 4.