I've always loved technology, and have been an early adopter since I was able to buy my own things.
I moved to using electronic "to do" lists, and I love tools like "Keep Notes" which let me use access the same list from all my devices. I use "keep Notes" for my freezer inventory, for my "buy again" and "don't buy" lists for wine/coffee/tea and numerous other comestibles, for the same reason.
Recently, however, I started to use a paper based to do list again. I suspect it was a procrastination thing really, writing out the lists helped me avoid having to do actually action any of the tasks.
I was a t a bit of a low ebb, and my usual self motivation techniques weren't working. I wrote things down to stop them buzzing around my brain, and so I could organise them and - maybe - commit to doing some of them.
It was surprisibngly effective. I'd forgotten just how good the endorphins made me feel when I highlighted an item to show that it was "done". I found myself adding undocumented items to the list, just so I could have the satisfaction of seeing how much I was achieving.
I stopped doing it when I started to feel better, and I found that my personal productivity plummeted. I started again, and the volume of my tasks soared.
I've been using an A5 notebook, which is working OK. I've had to organise it so that my longer term "To Dos" need to be on a separate page to the quick things.
I've decided I'm going to continue with it, and to help me track those tasks that just don't get done, I'm going to use an A5 page a day diary. That way I can see when I first added a task.
My life is so rock and roll.