After a lot of close investigation, studying many many photographs, I ordered a 2025 page a day A5 diary from Amazon. It arrived today.
I don't like it.
I'm rolling my eyes here. I spent ages studying the pictures, ruling out lots of variants. This one seemed like it would be good, but it just isn't. It doesn't feel right.
I pressed on, moving the remaining items from my to-do list on to the pages. The stuff that I need to do, but don't need to start yet, I put on the monthly overview page. The stuff that I need to do on a particular day (like some stuff I have to do next time I am at my Mum's house, I put on that day ). I resisted the temptation to transcribe all my previous todo (and now, mostly, done lists).
I didn't go for a supercheap one (which, ironically, might have been better), and that might be part of the issue. I don't like the paper. I don't like the cover. I don't like the binding, I don't like that Saturday and Sunday are on one page (that one is my fault, I had been excluding those and this one slipped through).
I am aware of how ridiculously whiny this sounds.
I can see that I am going to end up designing, printing and binding my own.
I wanted to get one for my Mum so we can try and work out what is triggering her COPD. Ths one isn't suitable for her at all.
Eventually, I found one I thought might work for my Mum. I went for a week to a view in the end. I bought a similar one for myself, and I'll try that tomorrow before considering again printing my own.
At least diaries are cheap, when the year has already started.