Thursday, 5 November 2020

Lockdown, again

I'm going to try and do a few specific things during this new 4 week lockdown.

I've got some new feet arriving today, courtesy of my birthday.  They are meant to go with my new coverstitch machine, which won't be arriving until January now,  but I should be able ot get them to work on the current model.    I'm going to try them all out, and possibly try and use some of them properly before lockdown is finished.

Next, we're going to decorate some butter dishes. Our local pottery place is opening on Thursdays and Saturdays  during Lockdown for people to drop off pieces for firing and to collect them.   I'm hoping to get ours done in the next week. Maybe.

Also on the  ArtyCrafty front,  my DexDIL and DGDs got me something crafty for my birthday.  It's kinda like a Cross Stitch/Paint by Numbers, but instead of cross stitch or painting, it involves sticking specifically coloured plastic pieces on a canvas.  It's a chicken related picture, and I think it's going to look fab when it's done.

We're going to finish degaraging.

I'm not making christmas cakes this year, for the first time in 32? years.   I am making Christmas puddings though.   This year, of course, we don't know who is going to be where at Christmas,  so I'm making a number of of small puddings;  if we can get together, people can bring their puddings with them.     I made the pudding on Tuesday,  steamed them all yesterday, and I've cleaned and rewrapped the cooked puddings today.   This one can actually have a small tick against it already.  It's not a big tick because I still have to sort out the labels and instructions, and arrange to send them out


