A couple of weeks ago I brought my overlocker downstairs. I mentioned my plan to my DH who said "Is it having a holiday?" (By which he meant, "Please tell me this is only temporary")
I did the Babylockalong. Wwe used the overlocker to create some tissue pouches very quickly. The picture - the only one I took - is of my first and worst attempt. It doesn't do justice to Jane's easy design and excellent teaching.
I also ade one with piping round the opening and I wish I'd taken a picture of that.
Over the next few days I had a go at mask making, and then found I needed to press things so that all stalled a bit while I re-covered my tabe top ironing board.
Since then, I've had a play at making some reusable cleansing wipes, and that's been about it. The table has been a bit congested, which doesn't help - but that's just a convenient excuse.
I've got another babylockalong on Monday, so I'll keep the machine down until Tuesday, and then I'll move it back to the guest bedroom.
I've no idea why I can't motivate myself... I have a pile of things I'd like to make, but just no appetite for it. Maybe the list is too long?