Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Altogether now..

All the chicks are now in the shed brooder. The first batch didn't seem to object to a second batch of chicks joining them,  wish older hens would be as accepting of newbies!

It's a bit chilly outside, so we have set up a camera to enable us to watch the chicks. Not just for our comfort (although it is convenient, especially at night), but we don't want to keep opening and closing the shed door at the moment, not until the chicks are a bit more established.

I took a quick snap of some of the chicks - they've now got to the stage where they are climbing on and sleeping on the Electric Hen (EH). Because it's a bit chilly, we've actually got both a heat lamp and an EH on the go,  so the chicks can decide where they want to be.
