Thursday, 21 January 2021

Gut Health

Back in October I read a blog post from Shann at Chuckling Goat.  It mentioned biofilm in the gut, and how this can stimulate and exhause the body's auto immune system, leading to auto immune disorders.  

I've been dealing with a few auto immune issues, and trying to identify the cause.  Her post resonated with me, so I sent off for a biome testing kit,  bought the tinctures (Chucklng Goat doesn't sell them), and started.

 For various reasons it took a while before I was able to send off my sample.  I'd been using the tinctures at a really low rate, less than 10% of the recommended amount, but after I sent my sample off I increased the dose over time.   I'd been mixing it in with my cold-foamed milk, which I have (or had) each morning.  It was a quick and easy way to take the stuff.

I had my call a few days ago to discuss my results, and this required a change to what I was taking.

I ordered the prebiotic from Chucjling Goat.  The other recommendations they don't sell, so I ordered them somewhere else.  The Turkey Tail mushroom tincture I could only find in powedered form (no idea why that should be the case), and I got this from Indigo Herbs.    The linseed oil I got from the Linseed Farm.

I can't stand goats milk kefir.   I've tried Chuckling Goat's twice.  I've managed to drink it, but it was a reall strggle and I gagged all the time.    The reason is that, a few years ago, I had very serious food poisoning from goats cheese.    Since then, I can't stand the smell of goats cheese,   and the goats milk kefir has a very goats-cheesey smell.

I do have my own kefir, and I keep bringing it back from the brink with all good intentions, then not drinking it.    After my call the other day, I revived it once again in readiness.

Today, everything arrived.

I made my first gut health smoothie. 

It doesn't taste awful.  It doesn't taste good.  It looks vile.

The two powders (prebiotic and turkey tail mushroom) are very fine,  and remind me of diatomaceous earth.   Both powders are very grey, so the reulting smoothy was grey.  

I added in some natural yoghurt to try and help, and I used almost a whole very small banana. 

At least it wasn't gritty.  And it didn't smell horrible.    I expect I'll get used to it.

I'm currently having: 170ml Kefir,  2 teaspoons prebiotic powder,  2 teaspoons turkey tail mushroom powder (for 90 days only, so my last day will be 21st April), and 10ml of linseed oil.  I also put in some natural yoghurt.  I'm supposed to have some marine based collagen powder in there, and I will probably add that at some point. Not just yet.

The report was interesting,  both in terms of what was good with my gut and what wasn't. I'll probably take another biome test owards the end of April to see what difference it has made.   Hopefully I'll be able to see the results by then anyway. 

It was recommended that I stop taking the other tinctures while I'm taking the Turkey Tail mushrooms.   That's a bit of a shame as the Reishi Mushrooms are good for menopause symptoms.  However, both have a blood thinning effect, so I'll do as the experts have recommended.
