Thursday 13 February 2020

Vet stress

The kittens were booked in for spaying and neutering yesterday.  We wanted the to be done at the same time so that they were both out of it from the anaesthetic together.  

There is an added complication that out Vet's operating theatre is being revamped at the moment, so all operations are being done from another practice.   We'd already been moved once.

There was a slight hiccup.

Lewis has one undropped testicle and the Vet said, because Lewis is young,  it would be better to wait a month or two to see if the other testicle dropped.     

We decided to go ahead and have Shelby spayed, as this would mean it wouldn't matter so much if we had to wait longer for Lewis.  We also decided that Lewis should stay with her for the day, because he would get very stressed being separated from her. (She might well be stressed to, but her distress is not so evident).

I had a pickup appointment at 3pm and I was to phone after 1 if I hadn't heard anything.  I didn't hear anything, so I phoned at 1.20.  Shelby was still having her op.   I phoned at 2.45.  Shelby was still in recovery,  and my pickup was moved to 5.30.

I was quite stressed about it.   Something didn't sound right.

We arrived at the Vets in good time, and we saw the nurse who told us that clinically everything was fine. Shelby had come round, she'd eaten something,  we could take her home,  we needed to make an appointment for 2 days and 10 days,   and the Vet wanted to speak to us while the Nurse went to get Shelby.

It turns out the reason for the extended time was that after sShelby had been closed up, the Vet saw some oozing that worried her a little, and she had to make the insertion bigeget to go an cdc heck all was OK.  Everything was fine, but the incision was much bigger than usual for this sort of op.

We were given some recovery food for her,  some food for sterilised cats to try, some Metacam.  We were also briefed o what to watch out for, and what to do if we had any concerns.

Lewis was very happy to see us.  Shelby was small and dazed, not quite all there.   We couldn't wait to get them home.
