Sunday, 7 January 2018


I'm full of cold, and it's making me very sluggish.

It's a nuisance because I've been making headway with the clearing.  Really.  Fabric has been boxed up,  and I've even been to Ikea to buy additional storage (in and out without looking around at anything else).

I've been doing at least one creative thing a day,  and I've realised we might need to trim the sewing desk so I can park the embroidery monster against the wall.  That is a huge undertaking though,  the desktop is 40mm thick, 900mm deep, layered bamboo.  It weighs a ton,  was a nightmare to et in position,  and it is currently beautifully finished.  In truth it's a crime to consider cutting it.... but I don't think there is a sensible alternative.

In considering the implications of  'trimming' the desk,  I ended up pulling out more stuff to sort. The workspace looks a lot worse than it did before I started clearing up, and the guest bed is buried under piles of stuff.    Matters were not helped by me dropping a drawer of thread spools; the shock of landing caused the golf tees to snap off, and I ended up with an unholy mess of thread , tees, and lumps of glue.  Parts of the mess are now in the kitchen, waiting for me to re-glue the tees.

On the creative side,  I've decided how I am going to make my next duvet-cover-with-insert.  I did a mock up with some scrap fabric,  I rethreaded and tested the coverstitch machine (which is when I sent the embroidery thread toppling over),  and I've washed and done the initial press of the bits to do it.  It's a big job and I need a clear head and space to do it.  Right now, I have neither.

I've also made some birthday cards....

I've made a card for Small Person as well, but I haven't finished it yet. The posh fabric for her birthday leggings has arrived and I've washed it.    I'm trying to decide whether to attempt some leggings for my granddaughter, who is a similar age. I bought some posh fabric to do some for her, but I really need to do a test pair first.  I could ask her mum to measure her.... but that sets up expectations that I might not be able to meet.

I've attempted to design a 60th card for my Sister In Law (SIL), which I'll stitch out in the next week.

I've also had some complete failures, which made me want to give up on the whole embroidery thing.  I think it was the then-impending cold making me feel sorry for myself.  I was trying to do a simple gift card holder, to hold an "IOU" for a brthday present for my daughter in law (DIL).   After the 3rd attempt  I gave up  and wrote a note and put it in her card.

Onward and upward.

