Determined to make some progress, I cleared the table and got the pattern templates out.
I saw my tablet, and checked it. The crack had spread. It had been a small crack last night. This moening I googled to see if repairs were possible and was heartened to see that there were DIY kits. I also messaged our local techy place who came back with some info and a price indication.
I looked at the screen again and saw that I had obviously put on a tempered glass protector. Was that holding the screen together?
"I wonder...?"
I lifted the edge of the protector slighly, a teeny bit, just to see. To my delight, it looked like the screen underneath the protector might, just might, be OK. I carefully took the protector off a bit more, a bit more, a bit more. Eventually it was off completely. The screen looked....OK!
How lucky was that!?!
I ordered a new one immediately.
And then I got back to my trousers.