It is full of faults - the fabric is upside down; there is a pinch in the neck binding; there are a few problems with the second armhole binding.
But I don't care. I'm really happy, because it's also full of successes.
I created a pattern from an existing tee shirt, and then I added a gather at the neckline. To do that, I had to work it all out, create a pattern for the gather, then create new pattern from the two combined. I also managed to get it on to cardboard for posterity.
I've never made an item of clothing before (unless you count that double sided foldover apron). I've never used jersey before. I've never done armhole and neck binding before. The list is almost endless.
I used my sewing machine to pre-sew the seams, so I could check that I was not making a complete cockup. Then I used my overlocker. The overlocking on the inside seams is beautiful, very professional. (Mainly down to the fab-ocity of my overlocker rather than my ability).
I did the happy dance when I'd finished it.
I don't care that I won't wear it. I've learned loads from it, including what to look out for on bought patterns.
I bought an online more traditionally shaped tee shirt pattern, with sleeves, designed for women more my shape. I'm part way through it, and I'll share a bit more when I've finished it.