I really needed to practice what I'd learned on my course. It's already been 9 days since the course, and I wasn't sure how much I'd remember.So, I opened it up straightaway.
It came "ready threaded", but this was actually literally just enough thread to thread it - none to actually sew with.
Never mind, I had learned how to tie on new thread and pull it through. AND I'd already thought of using 4 different colour threads, so I could tell them apart while I started to practice.
Predictably, within seconds, I looked like this:
I struggled on for a bit longer, then I gave in and cut the threads...and attempted to re-thread from scratch.
I did it!
It was similar, but not the same, as the process for the machine I'd used on the course. Actually, it was easier, and understanding a bit about "upper loopers" and "lower loopers" etc etc really helped.
The Bernina also had a needle threader which took a bit of practice. I'd seen it on a Youtube video the other day, so I kinda knew what to expect.
Then I sewed. I adjusted and sewed again. I played with this lever and that lever, sewing a row each time so I could try and see what difference it makes.
And then I did a little happy dance around the kitchen.
I've made the right choice.