Monday 3 August 2015


Having coffee in the kitchen this morning, DH and I were chatting.  I stopped mid sentence. "Did you hear that?", I asked


"That!", I said, as I heard the unmistakable kazoo again.

We can't tell who it is though unless we catch them doing it.  We need to get the culprit down to the allotment to be reintegrated with the Evacuees as soon as possible.

We're not sure who it is. It definitely isn't the Marans; I don't think it's the Fayoumi. It's going to be Sasha or Larna.  Larna the Appenzeller is looking like the likely culprit.  When I went out to look, she was suddently very upright.    She's back to being hen shaped now.  

 It's going to "Mrs Lumpy*" all over again.

Lumpy and Mrs Lumpy 
When we first started to raise chickens for the table, we bought in some 6 week old chicks.  They were Ross Cobb types, all white, apart from 2 of them who were a strange mottled colour.  One was a boy with a rather limpy walk, I called him Lumpy. The other was a hen called Mrs Lumpy.

I got quite attached to Lumpy,  and had considered keeping him to breed from. However, DH and Other Chap (OC) didn't want to go into breeding at that stage,  so Lumpy was culled along with the last of the other boys.

Overnight, Mrs Lumpy came out of hiding.  She suddenly sprouted a glorious multi coloured tail, huge comb and wattles, and became a boy.  She was one of those cockerels who have no interest in being top cockerel and manage to live qin harmony with a dominant cockerel because they hide their cockerelness.

