Sunday, 8 February 2015

Quick Trim

Having failed miserbaly last winter, we were determined that tthis yearwe would get two of our apple trees professionally pruned.  They are getting too tall for the appes to be easily reached (even with an apple picker). They also grow over on to some common ground. I don't mind people picling apples from the other side, but in the last few years people have been quite vicious while doing. Last year someone brought a broomstick with them, and wrecked some of the branches in their greed to get apples. They took so many, and didn't care about the damage.

It's difficult to show you the trees concerned because there is a very badly overgrown pear tree in the way.

Tree 2 Before
Tree 2 After

We'll aim to get the other apple tree and the pear tree done next year.
