Several broody ladies, with a clutch of them sitting together. Mrs needed a bit of a bottom clean: she has the same problem as Custard, her bottom forms a shelf which catches poo; everyone else seems fine. Cuddled Norman and Notnorman, tried to cuddle their sister Siouxsie but she wasn't having any of that. No chance of getting near Ruby (our Welsh Black); and the two new Roo x WelshBlack girls from last year's hatch took corn from my hand but didn't want to be stroked. We really must name them now they are staying.
I saw that poor Coffee, our chicken of fate, seems to have a scaly leg problem. Have got out some stuff to treat it with tomorrow.
Cleaned out all the coops, DH did a lot of strimming around the outside. Now that we are down to 8 on the allotment, we'll have to get them back to using two coops and leaving the shed free. I can then disinfect and poultry shield it, ready for the chicks. Fortunatel we've got a couple of months before it's needed, but I would like to get the girls to stop using it well in advance of the time its needed.