Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Here we go (yet) again

Today we have 3 Sasso chicks hatching. 1 is from poor Mrs Roo Too who had to be dispatched after being badly injured (accidentally) by Roo; and 2 are from Mrs Roo.   One of Mrs Roo's  emerged late last night, the other two haven't come out yet but there are big holes in the shells.

We have three other eggs in the Incubator which are due to hatch on Saturday, fingers crossed.  We've got an Australorp, a Welsh Black,  and a Welsh Black x Roo.

Lunar Module brooder has been disinfected, and the current hatchling will be transferred in there at bedtime.  The other two will be transferred in the morning, assuming they hatch this evening.

It's all go.
