So, PegLeg came home and was popped into the Eglu run. She ran - or rather, hopped - straight into the Eglu, and wouldn't come out. It was incredibly windy, so I thought that was probably a contributory factor.
I popped some pasta into the run when I gave the Garden Girls their afternoon treat. She stayed in the Eglu.
I popped some corn into the run when I gave the Girls their evenng corn and shut them up into their run at 5.30. PegLeg stayed in the Eglu.
At 6pm I phoned DH and asked him to go to the Allotment and to bring back one of the others. Grey-ring probably, as Mrs Flint and BlueRing are both laying now and should stay at the allotment. PegLeg has never been on her own, and I think that she is probably feeling very lonely as well as unsure of her new environment. To avoid reintegration issues for the companion hen, in case anything happens to PegLeg, I think we'll need to do a companion swap on Sunday night or Monday morning.
I know I'm being a bit of a girly, but I do just want to do The Right Thing.
I popped some pasta into the run when I gave the Garden Girls their afternoon treat. She stayed in the Eglu.
I popped some corn into the run when I gave the Girls their evenng corn and shut them up into their run at 5.30. PegLeg stayed in the Eglu.
At 6pm I phoned DH and asked him to go to the Allotment and to bring back one of the others. Grey-ring probably, as Mrs Flint and BlueRing are both laying now and should stay at the allotment. PegLeg has never been on her own, and I think that she is probably feeling very lonely as well as unsure of her new environment. To avoid reintegration issues for the companion hen, in case anything happens to PegLeg, I think we'll need to do a companion swap on Sunday night or Monday morning.
I know I'm being a bit of a girly, but I do just want to do The Right Thing.