We had a huge stash of bedding to take to Monkey World. The boot was full, despite me having pressed everything to make it as flat and neat as possible.
We intended to go in Spring, on a pleasant day. However, it was half term, Miss Teen was staying for a few days, and we asked if she wanted to go.
We went yesterday.
It was dry (hooray) and it was a bright cold day when we started. By the time we got an hour down the motorway it was dry but very grey.
We left the stuff in the car and went into the park. We thought it best to have a look round and then come back to the car later, when the queues were quieter, to drop off the mountain of bedding.
There were few monkeys and apes to be seen, they weren't stupid. It was cold out. They'd all been moved out of their bedrooms so the bedrooms could be cleaned, but they hadn't come outside (and couldn't be seen from outside) so actually we saw very few individuals while we were there.
It was full of excited children. It was lovely to see them all having such a good time, but reminded me that, for us, going out of school holidays would have been much more comfortable.
We managed to recreate a couple of the photos we took last time we were there with Miss Teen, nearly 6 years ago.
We had lunch in the cafe, then drive the car up to the entrance so we could unload the bedding. DH had to stay with the car while Miss Teen and I lugged and lugged stuff. I had one huge box and I'd put a load in that, but it was so heavy the two of us could barely manage.
In the end it was all done. We decided we would go home rather than going back into the park.
Miss Teen fell asleep on the way home, so that was another photo recreated :-)