I was trying to do yet more clearing up today and it got a bit out of hand.
I'd cleaned the fridge (because I couldn't fit a tall stopper bottle of home made water kefir in there, and a small rearrangement became a fridge clean).
Then, I did the weekly clean of both CPAPs, which required a sink clean first.
Then I thought I'd decant my fruitbox from Crwodfarming into a fruit bowl, and put it in the dining room out of the sunlight. The dining room table is iled up with stuff for the charity shop and a few other bits, so I had to sort those out; then I realised that the room gets a bit warm in the evening so it wasn't a good idea to put the fruit in there; then I decided that as the table and chairs were, temporarily, clear, it would be a good idea to clean under the table.
I upended the chairs on to the table, and decided that, if I was going to clean under the table, I might as well clean under the cat tree and the rest of the dining room floor as well.
Before I knew it, I was covered in cat hair, and I had a fair bit on the floor as well.
I sent Raymondo in to have a go at cleaning. He's been in and out, doing the self-emptying of his bin. He hasn't actually got anywhere near fur trail yet.
Meanwhile, I've washed the kitchen floor twice with Heidi. I had to soak her roller to start with as it has been some time since she was out and about. We've been through 3 tanks of water so far.
It took several goes for Raymondo to roomba up the hair. Even then, I had to get the bits, which had been swept by him to the edge, with Heidi.
A shopping delivery arrived in the middle, and I managed to do my water kefir as well.
I now just need to try and put things back in their place.
Before I run of battery.